Roman Cheplyaka schrieb:
Evaluation order matters for operational semantics, not for axiomatic.
And even in operational semantics Church–Rosser theorem should prevent
getting different results (e.g. 0 and error) for different evaluation

Let's consider

  omega = omega
  const omega 42

which is evaluated to 42 in Haskell, but is nonterminating in an strict language. I would expect every kind of semantics to account for this difference.

Regarding Church-Rosser. First, it says that if you can reduce term P into both P and Q, then there exists a term R so that both P and Q can be reduced to it. That doesn't mean that your particular evaluation order will ever do this reduction. Instead, it may keep doing other reductions forever.

Second, who says Church-Rosser holds for Haskell?

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