Eugene Kirpichov wrote:
Looks like such a thing would be useful; as for now, I see at least
two applications: Data.Map and Data.Trie (bytestring-trie) - it's a
pity that they have rather similar interfaces, but the latter lacks
many methods and some are named in a different way.

Are there any particular functions you're missing? Most of the not-as-generic variants that Data.Map has are in Data.Trie.Convenience, so as to keep Data.Trie lean. There are a few notable exceptions which are on the todo list (the dual-use insert&lookup and update&lookup in particular).

In general I tried to keep all of the specific variants and any particularly helpful not-as-generic variants. Some of the not-as-generic variants didn't seem worth the time to wrapper given that we already have more generic variants (which Data.Map lacks) in Data.Trie and Data.Trie.Internal.

Also, Data.Map has
some inconsistensies, too: for instance, it has an insertWith' but
lacks a unionWith'. "One typeclass for all" would eliminate these

Some of the name changes were to overcome these inconsistencies (e.g. `findWithDefault` -> `lookupWithDefault`, since we have `lookup` and not `find`).

As for the original question, the gmap stuff and the Edison libraries provide some classes for this sort of thing. Last I checked the community hadn't really settled on what all should be included in such an interface (e.g. do you only have insert, delete, etc; or do you also require the very generic *By functions like Data.Trie? The former may not be helpful enough, and the latter may be too much of a burden on the instances.)

If (a) the community can agree on a typeclass for maps, which (b) allows instances to have a fixed type for keys (like Data.Trie and Data.IntMap have), (c) doesn't require ghc-only extensions like associated types, and (d) doesn't have onerous package dependencies, then I'd be more than happy to offer an instance. The #c requirement is basically a subset of #a I'd assume.

Live well,
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