Bulat, you've some serious lessons to learn on how to interact with
online communities. First,

    1. Stop posting replies to every post on this thread

    2. Read some of the fine literature on how to be a productive,
        contributing member of a mailing list community,


    3. Then see if you can rephrase your concerns in a form that will be
    useful. Claus (as always) has made a fine suggestion:


    3. Come back with some analysis, or a ticket, and authentically try
    to collaborate with people here to improve or fix the problems you see.

I'm setting your moderation bit now, and in public so we all know what
is going on, so your posts will bounce until you do something
constructive. This will likely expire in a few days - just enough to
calm things down.

-- Don (on jerk police protrol today)

P.S. if anyone strongly objects, let's talk offline how better to manage things.
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