Ross Paterson wrote:
On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 02:53:42PM +0100, Daniel Kraft wrote:
I seem to be a little stuck with incremental array updates... I've got an array of "few" (some thousand) integers, but have to do a calculation where I incrementally build up the array. For sake of simplicity, for now I don't use a State-Monad but simply pass the array as state down the recursive calls.

Unfortunatelly, I seem to experience problems with lazyness; when I run my program, memory usage goes up to horrific values! The simple program below reproduces this; when run on my machine, it uses up about 300 MB of real and 300 MB of virtual memory, and the system starts swapping like mad! I compiled with ghc --make -O3, ghc version 6.8.3 if that matters.

As noted above, updating an array one element at a time is the problem.
But before writing an imperative program with STUArray, you might try
building a whole new Array, specifying a new value for each element,
using array or accumArray.  These are often enough.  In your simple

Well, my main problem was the lazy evaluation... And using STUArray did also speed it up notably, of course :) I finally managed to get it working with it ;)

procOne :: Int -> MyArray -> MyArray
procOne a cnt
   | a >= limit = cnt
   | otherwise =
       procOne (a + arraySize) $!
          array (0, arraySize - 1)
                [ (i, cnt!i + 1) | i <- [0 .. arraySize - 1] ]

If elements of the new array depend on previously computed elements of
the same array, you can define the array recursively.

For this example program... yes of course :) I'm trying to do so when possible, but for my real problem I couldn't figure out a nice way to do it like that, unfortunatelly. Which does not mean it is impossible of course, but maybe just I need more experience in functional programming... :D


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