Dear Haskellers and especially who are working on cabal-install
and debian packaging,

I sometimes clean up .ghc and .cabal in my home directory to start from
scratch because of dependency loopholes (cabal-install does not have
remove option yet, so it's hard to fix when such loophole happens).

Today, I had some time in the airport and decided to start from scratch
again because of the dependency loophole with process and
haddock.  I downloaded the most recent version of cabal-install the
version 0.6.2, and found out that the ./ does not work. So,
I had to bootstrap from version 0.6.2 and do "cabal update" and "cabal
upgrade cabal-install" to upgrade to 0.6.2.

I am not sure whether this is a cabal-install problem or debian
dstribution ghc-6.10.1 packaging probelm, since I have not tried to test
 this with any other ghc-6.10.1 distribution.

If anyone who are not using debian distribution ghc-6.10.1 (e.g.,
general linux binary ghc-6.10.1 or source compiled one) can try
bootstrapping cabal-install 0.6.2 from scratch also finds the same
problem, I think someone should make a ticket for cabal-install.


Ahn, Ki Yung

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