Great ! I'm just starting with Vim so I'm not sure if I could contribute. But I definitely will look into the sources. Thanks!


On 13.03.2009, at 21:44, andy morris wrote:

2009/3/13 Pavel Perikov <>:
Hi café !

I googled for some kind of vim support for cabal but found nothing. I mean syntax highlighting of .cabal and probably integration with haskellmode. Did
anyone hear about such thing?


I've been wanting something like this as well, so you inspired me to
finally get round to writing it. :D

I've stuck it on Patch-tag, so:
   darcs get

Nothing special at the moment; it just highlights field names and does
some basic autoindenting. If you (or someone else on the list) have
any suggestions, then just say (or send a patch if you want :) )

I might add to it over the weekend as well (highlighting of compiler
names in the 'tested-on' field, that sort of thing), so perhaps check
back in a few days.

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