Brent Yorgey ha scritto:
On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 11:55:16AM +0100, Manlio Perillo wrote:
Note that I have not uploaded it on Hackage, and I do not plan to upload it in the near future, at least until I will repute the package mature enough.

I would encourage you to upload it to Hackage regardless of its
supposed maturity, especially if you want feedback.  I'm not sure why
you would be hesitant to upload your package;

Because I'm very strict with my code.
I don't even release my Python packages on, and I'm much more expert in Python ;-).

Hackage hosts an
extremely wide range of packages in terms of maturity, and that's a
good thing.  It also provides a very convenient method (in combination
with cabal-install) of disseminating libraries.  I am several orders
of magnitude more likely to try something out if I can just 'cabal
install foo' than if I have to manually download and unpack a tarball
myself, and I doubt I am alone in this.

It should be possible to do:
cabal install

It's unfortunate that this is not supported.

Thanks  Manlio
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