Correct. My point was only in the case that it would need to statically link
to a GPL'd lib (which I'm not sure if such a case exists)
If the gcc license suddenly decided to claim compiled items as derivative
works, the IT world as we know it would end.

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 11:06 AM, John Meacham <> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 07:00:26PM -0400, Rick R wrote:
> > The agreement doesn't specifically prohibit the use of interpreters (just
> > those than run external code). It also doesn't say anything about machine
> > generated code. The only thing one would have to ensure is that the
> > dependencies of JHC are all compiled in, or statically linked. Shared
> libs
> > are disallowed in any app. If it has a runtime dependency on gcc (is
> there
> > such a thing?) Then you would have to statically link it and therefore
> > couldn't sell your application. (gotta love GPL)
> No problem here, the gcc licence explicity states things compiled with it
> are not
> considered derivative works. And after all, Mac OS X is compiled with
> gcc, apple X-Code uses gcc as its compiler and I think gcc may even be
> the only objective C compiler out there.
>        John
> --
> John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
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