As (yet another?) Haskell newbie, with a day job using Java (where "keep it simple, stupid" is not a principle, it's a language enforced requirement), I would much prefer the function is implemented in the most concise and idiomatic style that the writer is capable of. That is, either the zipWith...scanl solution (or its variants) or the state solution.

I've found that I learn considerably more from functions written this way that also have a good documentation comment than from munching on the standard pattern matching recursion again and again. If the function is well described, and short in purpose and text, I can use the fact that with functional programming (with some exception) ensures that all I need to understand the behavior should be right in front of me and I can spend time learning the patterns.

Just my 2 cents,


On Mar 24, 2009, at 5:43 PM, Manlio Perillo wrote:

Jonathan Cast ha scritto:
I think, in general, the best way to document the purpose of the
function is
   -- | Split a function into a sequence of partitions of specified
   takeList :: [Int] -> [a] -> [[a]]

Note that I was not speaking about the best way to document a function.

I was speaking about the best way to write a function, so that it may help someone who is learning Haskell.

> [...]

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