Peter Berry:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeSynonymInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

The following is a class of memo tries indexed by d:

class Fun d where
   type Memo d :: * -> *
   abst :: (d -> a) -> Memo d a
   appl :: Memo d a -> (d -> a)
   -- Law: abst . appl = id
   -- Law: appl . abst = id (denotationally)

Any such type Memo d is naturally a functor:

memo_fmap f x = abst (f . appl x)

The type of memo_fmap (as given by ghci) is (Fun d) => (a -> c) ->
Memo d a -> Memo d c. (Obviously this would also be the type of fmap
for Memo d, so we could declare a Functor instance in principle.) If
we add this signature:

memo_fmap' :: Fun d => (a -> b) -> Memo d a -> Memo d b
memo_fmap' f x = abst (f . appl x)

it doesn't type check:

   Couldn't match expected type `Memo d1 b'
          against inferred type `Memo d b'
   In the expression: abst (f . appl x)
   In the definition of `memo_fmap'':
       memo_fmap' f x = abst (f . appl x)

   Couldn't match expected type `Memo d a'
          against inferred type `Memo d1 a'
   In the first argument of `appl', namely `x'
   In the second argument of `(.)', namely `appl x'
   In the first argument of `abst', namely `(f . appl x)'
Failed, modules loaded: none.

As I understand it, the type checker's thought process should be along
these lines:

1) the type signature dictates that x has type Memo d a.
2) appl has type Memo d1 a -> d1 -> a for some d1.
3) we apply appl to x, so Memo d1 a = Memo d a. unify d = d1

But for some reason, step 3 fails.

Step 3 is invalid - cf, < >.

More generally, the signature of memo_fmap is ambiguous, and hence, correctly rejected. We need to improve the error message, though. Here is a previous discussion of the subject:


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