If I understand the problem correctly...

Prelude> let diag = concat . diags where diags ((x:xs):xss) = [x] : zipWith (:) 
xs (diags xss)
Prelude> take 10 $ diag [[ (m,n) | n <- [1..]] | m <- [1..]]

Sebastian Fischer wrote on 15.04.2009 14:32:
Fancy some Codegolf?

I wrote the following function for list diagonalization:

 > diag l = foldr (.) id ((sel l . flip sel) ((:[]).(:))) []
 >  where
> sel = foldr (\a b c -> id : mrg (a c) (b c)) (const []) . map (flip id)
 >   mrg []     ys     = ys
 >   mrg xs     []     = xs
 >   mrg (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x.y) : mrg xs ys

Self explanatory, isn't it? Here is a test case:

    *Main> take 10 $ diag [[ (m,n) | n <- [1..]] | m <- [1..]]

I was trying to golf it down [^1] but my brain explodes. If you succeed in reducing keystrokes, I'd be happy to know!


[^1]: http://codegolf.com/
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