Christian Maeder wrote:
I've nothing against long names, but one shouldn't try to put blocks
to the right of them.

This is very important from my point of view. Indention should not depend on identifier length. However, I make an exception to that rule sometimes for definitions which look like tables (e.g. step functions for abstract machines).

  do c <- letter
     do d <- digit
        return [c, d]
      <|> do
        u <- char '_'
        return [c, u]

I try to avoid these, e.g. I would use this instead:

  do c <- letter
       [ do d <- digit
            return [c, d]
       , do u <- char '_'
            return [c, u]

Actually, I try to avoid do-blocks, but that's a different story.

  data TName =
      { selector1 :: C1
      , ... }
    | LongSecondConstructor
      deriving ...

I use

  data Maybe a
    = Just a
    | Nothing
    deriving Show


  data Maybe a
    = Just
      { fromJust :: a

    | Nothing

    deriving Show

However, I would prefer the following Coq-like syntax:

  data Maybe a =
    | Just a
    | Nothing

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