My family and I are moving in the coming months.  My wife will be
attending a new school in the fall.  Among the many hassles of moving
are locating and transferring medical records to new doctors and
clinics.  During our time in Minnesota, we've visited several clinics
and hospitals, so our medical data is spread across a dozen different
networks.  Collecting this data is a chore.  And reciting it to every
new medical provider is frustrating, especially knowing someone else
has already typed this stuff into the computer.

For obvious reasons, there are many software companies competing in
the Electronic Health Record (EHR) industry.  I haven't spent much
time researching the field, but I have to imagine there is no shortage
of bloated standards and next to nil interoperability.  With President
Obama pushing for electronic health records, this could be an
opportunity for the Haskell community to deliver a common framework
that the US, and maybe the rest of the world, could build upon -- a
longshot I realize.

At the core, the fundamental problem is not that complicated.  It's
just storing and retrieving a person's various health events:
checkups, prescriptions, procedures, test results, etc.  The main
technical challenges are database distribution and patient security.
Both are fun problems, and our friends at Galios continue to show how
effective Haskell is at building secure systems.

Any thoughts?  Ideas?


BTW, Anyone looking to rent a house in Eden Prairie, MN?  A Haskell
employer is just 4 miles down the road (Eaton).
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