On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 5:18 PM, Conor McBride<co...@strictlypositive.org> wrote:
> Will I need to ask systems support to let me install some
> haskelly sort of web server? Looks likely, I suppose.
> In general, what's an easy way to put a web front end on
> functionality implemented in Haskell?

For something this simple, I'd use CGI. I've never used the Haskell
cgi package, but the basic idea is that the webserver runs an
arbitrary script which reads the HTTP request information from
environment variables, and outputs the response (in the simple case,
just "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"++html). The cgi package
probably provides easy access to those environment variables; this is
what Python's cgi module does, for instance.

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