Dear Haskellers,

ICFP 2009 takes place from Monday 31 August to Wednesday 2 September,
with the Haskell Symposium following it on 3 September.

Would anybody be interested having a Haskell Hackathon during this?  My
thinking is that to catch people who are only going to the Haskell
Symposium, the best time is the following weekend (4-6 September).
Otherwise, the weekend before (29-30 August) is also an option and has
the benefit of catching people before they get tired :-)

Rah, rah, hackathon!

1. If possible, I'd like get a idea if there is any interest in attending
   such a Hackathon if it were to take place.

2. For rah-rah Hackathon to work, we need people!  Could I get one kind
   (and local) soul to act as an organiser for this?


Eric Kow <>
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