Hi Hector,

Hector Guilarte wrote:
1) Since Haskell is Lazy, and my GCL program is being interpreted in Haskell
then my GCL is Lazy too (I know is not as simple as that but believe me,
somehow it is behaving lazy). The problem is that it can't be lazy (said to
me by my teacher on monday).

evalExpr:: Expr -> Tabla -> Int
evalExpr expr tabla =
    let salida = (snd (evalAritmetico expr tabla))
    in salida `seq` if (isLeft salida) then error (getLeft salida)
                              else getRight salida

I think the problem with your code is that you call error, instead of reporting the error back to the caller. evalExpr can go wrong (consider 5 / 0), but this fact is not represented in the type:

  evalExpr:: Expr -> Tabla -> Int

The type says that for all expressions and all symbol tables, you can produce an int result. But that is not true! So try using this more adequate type:

  evalExpr :: Expr -> Tabla -> Either String Int

Now, for all expressions and symbol tables, evalExpr either can compute an integer result, or it informs you that something went wrong. If you have these kinds of types on all your functions, your main program becomes something like:

  main = do
    code <- readAndParseFile "somefile"
    case evalProgram code of
      Left error -> putStrLn ("Error: " ++ error)
      Right () -> putStrLn "Worked fine!"

So if you need fine-grained control over error-handling, add explicit error handling, and do not use the error function.

Good luck!

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