You have a couple problems here.

The first is that GHC has no idea what particular type 'w' widgetList has, because the empty list is polymorphic.

The second is that it looks like you probably want a heterogeneous list of widgets -- that is, possibly different types of widget as long as they all conform to Widget. To do this you'll need ExistentialQuantification (or GADTs I guess?).

For example:

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

class Widget w where
    widgetRun :: w -> IO ()

data SomeWidget = forall w. Widget w => SomeWidget w

widgetList :: [(Integer, Integer, SomeWidget)]
widgetList = []

main = mapM aux widgetList
    aux (x, y, sw) =
        case sw of
            SomeWidget w -> widgetRun w

Note that the type variable for widgetList 'w' has disappeared. Before, with the type variable 'w', all elements of the widgetList had to be of the same type (lists being homogeneous). By wrapping up the type variable 'w' inside SomeWidget, you can now have whatever types of widgets in that SomeWidget, e.g.

data Button = Button (IO ())
instance Widget Button where widgetRun = ...

data Label = Label (String -> IO ())
instance Widget Label where widgetRun = ...

widgetList:: [(Integer, Integer, SomeWidget)]
widgetList =
    [ SomeWidget (Button $ putStrLn "ding!")
    , SomeWidget (Label $ putStrLn . ("entered: " ++)) ]

Before, without existential quantification, you had to have all the same type of widget (e.g. all Button or all Label)

Hope this makes it more clear.


On Jul 3, 2009, at 12:00 AM, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:

 I thought "class" was for this purpose. But it turns out not.
 Code as following could not compiled.

1 main = do
2   mapM_ (\(x, y, widget) -> do
3            a <- widgetRun widget
4            putStrLn $ show a
5         ) widgetList
7 widgetList :: (Widget w) => [(Integer, Integer, w)]
8 widgetList = []
10 class Widget w where
11   widgetRun :: w -> IO ()
% ghc --make tmp/test.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( tmp/test.hs, /tmp/Main.o )

   Ambiguous type variable `t' in the constraint:
`Widget t' arising from a use of `widgetRun' at tmp/test.hs: 3:16-31 Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
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