2009/7/9  <hask...@kudling.de>:
>> I find it very to the point and not overwhelming at all : it's easy to
> glance over it and find quickly what I want.
> Thanks for your feedback.
> Most people feel overwhelmed when confronted with more than 7+-2 items:
> http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2007/10/09/30-usability-issues-to-be-aware-of/
> On the current Haskell frontpage there are over 60 links competing for 
> attention.
> I am not sure whether we should design interfaces solely with few people 
> having exceptional abilities in mind. This could be understood as a statement 
> about who Haskell is made for in itself.

Well, I guess there is room for personnal preference...

But I don't find correct to say "60 links competing for attention".
You forget to mention the "section titles" and the separation in two
columns. You could have said "more than 600 words competing for

I can understand people find it overwhelming, but only *at first
sight*. I would make the comparison with a table of content for a
book. I've seen book providing a "chapters at a glance" part, just
before the real table of content. Glancing a few pages to see the
chapter names (that is not paying attention to the sections and
subsections) is not very more complicated.

For the hompage we're talking about, glancing is even simpler since
everything is on the same page and you can scroll it quite easily.

I'm not sure hiding a level of the hierarchy of information behind a
few clicks make things easier.

Please don't be upset by my opinion, it's just that; I've no will to
enforce it to anybody :)

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