On 9 Jul 2009, at 18:32, Thomas ten Cate wrote:

Are there any kind of hard statistics and analytics that we can base
this discussion upon? There is always room for improvement, but
stumbling around in the dark making blind guesses may not be the best
way to go. Although I personally feel that Lenny's proposed page is an
improvement, statistics could tell us what actual people actually use
the site for.

I'm not sure that that's useful. We can (assuming there are statistics) easily find out what the front page *is* used for. But that doesn't necessarily mean that that's what it *should* be used for. In my mind, the front page is for nothing more than enticing people to use Haskell for long enough to look at a second page where all the useful stuff is if you are a haskell programmer. It should include no more than a description of what haskell is, why it's cool, a link to the documentation, a link to a Haskell Platform Dowload and a link to the earlier mentioned "second page".

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