On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 4:05 PM, Wolfgang
Jeltsch<g9ks1...@acme.softbase.org> wrote:
> Yes, it’s a pity. For me, it’s not such a big problem since I don’t write my
> Haddock comments in my native language (German) but in English. I only
> experience this problem because I use nice typography, i.e., “ ” – instead
> of " " -.

I would write the comments in English, but as it is, it's a little
piece of code for our factory that's never going to be released.
Still, I wanted to document it properly, and my boss can't read

> GHC supports UTF-8 input, and Haddock uses GHC nowadays. So, in my opinion,
> Haddock should also support UTF-8 input. Do you want to file a feature
> request?

Sure. I'm registering to haddock trac site and will search the tickets.

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