
I wrote a small installer program which configures and installs some software
packages. In order to be able to let it run on a different machine, where I
possibly don't have the needed shared libraries, I tried to link it
statically, following this advice:


However I get some linking errors:

 ghc --make Installer.hs -static -optl-static


In function `s7Tu_info':
: warning: Using 'getgrnam_r' in statically linked applications requires at 
runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking 

In function `username_completion_function': 
     warning: Using 'getpwent' in statically linked applications requires at
runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking

src/dlmalloc.c:2486:0:  undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_lock'
undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_unlock'
undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_init'
/usr/lib/ghc-6.10.3/libffi.a(closures.o)(.text+0x227): In function

Because of the undefined references to pthread_mutex_lock I then 
tried various versions of 

ghc --make Installer.hs -static -optl-static -lpthread -lrt

and reordered the -l switches, but neither combination helped. I always get the
same error.

Does somebody know how to correctly specify the pthread library for this?


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