
One reason (there may be more) is as follows:

Grigory Sarnitskiy wrote:
class Configuration c where
    getParticleI :: (Particle p) => c -> Int -> p
This type signature declares that for any type c that has a Configuration instance (and an Int), you can give me back something that is of *any type* p, provided I have a Particle instance for p.

So if I was to declare:

instance Particle Int

Then I should be able to do:

x :: Int
x = getParticleI someConfigurationItem 6

type Collection p = UArray (Int,Int) Double
instance Configuration (Collection p) where
    getParticleI config i = (1,1,1) :: ParticleC
What you are doing in your instance, however, is always returning a ParticleC, which is a specific type rather than any type that belongs to Particle. There are several ways to solve this. A few examples:

1. Make getParticleI specifically return a ParticleC, rather than the type p.

2. Add a makeParticle function to the particle type-class.  If you had:

class Particle p where
 makeParticle :: (Double, Double, Double) -> p

Then you could rewrite that last line as:

getParticleI config i = makeParticle (1, 1, 1)

And then the return would be of any type p that has a Particle instance.

3. Parameterise the collection over the particle, e.g.

class Configuration c where
 getParticleI :: Particle p => c p -> Int -> p

But currently Collection is not actually parameterised using the p parameter (the UArray has Double, not Particle), so I can't properly adjust your example for that.

Hope that helps,

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