I don't think getNameInfo should work for for AF_UNIX -- the name given to SockAddrUnix is a file path, there is no name resolution. From the man page for getnameinfo(3) on OS X:

   getnameinfo -- socket address structure to hostname and service name




The sockaddr structure sa should point to either a sockaddr_in or sockaddr_in6 structure
(for IPv4 or IPv6 respectively) that is salen bytes long.

Similarly, from the man page for getnameinfo on my linux box:


The sa argument is a pointer to a generic socket address structure (of type sockaddr_in or sockaddr_in6) of size salen that holds the input IP address and port number.

On Aug 26, 2009, at 2:07 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 6:33 PM, kenny lu<haskellm...@gmail.com> wrote:

I encountered a problem with Network.Socket in MacOS 10.5
Here is the code that I am testing,

module Main where

import qualified Network.Socket as Socket

main :: IO ()
main =
    do { (hostname, _) <- Socket.getNameInfo [] True False
(Socket.SockAddrUnix "localhost")
       -- (hostname, _) <- Socket.getNameInfo [] True False
(Socket.SockAddrInet 9000  (127 + 0 * 256 + 0 * 256^2 + 1 * 256^3))
       ; putStrLn (show hostname)

Running the above code yields the following error
ghc --make -O2 TestSocket.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( TestSocket.hs, TestSocket.o )
Linking TestSocket ...
$ ./TestSocket
TestSocket: getNameInfo: does not exist (ai_family not supported)

If I switch to SockAddrInet instead, the error is gone.

I am using GHC 6.10.3 and Network 2.2.1

Is SockAddrUnix supposed to work on Mac OS X? Could you test it by
e.g. writing a small C program that uses it?

-- Johan
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