fwiw I found it difficult getting a Haskell installation onto Windows. Packages that would 'cabal install' just fine on Linux were much more of a pain on Windows. Eventually, I actually found it easiest to cross compile to Windows using wine:

wine HaskellPlatform-2009.2.0.2-setup.exe
wine cabal
wine cabal install yst

The resulting yst.exe seems to work fine on actual Windows machines. Quite cool I thought as I prefer to stay in Linux, but if you're starting from a Windows based development environment, Haskell does seem problematic.


John A. De Goes wrote:

The cross-platform features have been extremely important to the success of Java, because they have greatly expanded the number of libraries available to developers.

On Haskell Cafe, not a week goes by that Windows (and sometimes Mac) developers don't complain about not being able to use some Hackage library because of cross-platform issues. The actual number of people encountering these issues is orders of magnitude larger than the number of posts you see here. These issues impede the growth of Haskell significantly.

Moreover, the importance of cross-platform libraries on the Java platform is evinced by the fact that developers of major native libraries _always_ make their libraries cross-platform (Jogl, jmonkeyengine, swt, etc.). They wouldn't go to this trouble if it weren't something the community was demanding.

From a risk management perspective, a manager really likes the ability to seamlessly move across platforms and architectures without recompilation. 32 -> 64? No problem. Linux -> BSD? Sure, why not? Yes, I'm sure even Amazon, Yahoo, and Google make these kinds of considerations.


John A. De Goes
N-Brain, Inc.
The Evolution of Collaboration

http://www.n-brain.net    |    877-376-2724 x 101

On Sep 30, 2009, at 5:28 AM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

Nobody consider the runtime download of Java code important nowadays. Not even the cross-platform features. but it was marketeed at his time as such.

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