Tom Tobin wrote:
On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 3:26 AM, Andrew Coppin
<> wrote:
It might be a better argument to say that human thinking is fundamentally
sequential; parallel computers have been around for a little while now...

Perhaps *conscious* human thinking is sequential — yet our brains are
massively parallel processors, and have been around for quite a long
time.  ;-)

This is very true. And it's just as well; I read somewhere that the maximum firing rate of a neuron gives the human brain an effective "clock frequency" of about 100 MHz - which isn't terribly fast. But it's massively parallel, as you say.

Actually, I just had a flash of inspiration: Maybe the reason programmers tend to think sequentially is because programmers tend to be *men*. Maybe the way to hardness the multicores is to get more women into programming? :-D

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