Hi Thomas,

two very substantial contributions... :-)

(a) Yes, let's do it with Happstack.

(b) I just applied for the group.


Thomas Hartman wrote:
Hey, first of all, in terms of a platform for promoting haskell
commercially, happstutorial.com actually implements a job board.

Yeah, it's primitive and not feature complete, but on hackage, open
source, and ready for anyone who would like to work on it. (Currently
maintained by creighton hogg.)

This was my baby in 2008, when I was looking to foster happs for web
development, as a sort of "smarter" ruby on rails, which I am using in
the field in patch-tag.com.

2, the haskell-startup google group at


It's private, to encourage slightly more courageous business talk away
from the panoptic gaze of google, but I approve pretty much anyone who
doesn't want in and isn't a bot.

Yes. Let's create a world with more jobs for haskell developers, and
better software for everyone :)


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