Yes. C is the language of operating systems and browsers and low-level system utilities -- not, by and large, the backbone of today's web applications. Projects written in C/C++ tend to be ignored in favor of those written in Java (Hypertable versus HBase, for example). There are exceptions, but there are fewer of them over time. Java's spot in the middle tier has overflowed into the bottom tier, as performance and community size have increased.

Moreover, C libraries are seldom cross-platform (leading to wasteful fiddling and endless frustration), and they are painful to interface with due to the requirement for detailed type annotations, which are easy to get wrong. JVM is cross-platform, and contains sufficient typing information to permit one to write something like, "import foreign jvm java.list.Collection", and have typed access to the whole class and all of its methods.


John A. De Goes
N-Brain, Inc.
The Evolution of Collaboration    |    877-376-2724 x 101

On Oct 8, 2009, at 1:00 PM, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

Out of curiosity, why do you think that porting Haskell to the JVM would make such a large difference? Haskell can already interface with C libraries; are there really so many commercially vital libraries that are JVM-only?


On Oct 8, 2009, at 11:08 AM, John A. De Goes wrote:

Some of these are not ready for production use; e.g.: RESTng: "RESTng is still experimental and incomplete". It has no documentation and doesn't even compile. Sadly typical.

It's a bit of a chicken and egg thing. I'd switch to Haskell in a commercial setting if there were more good libraries, yet the act of switching would lead to the production of more good libraries. The latter, though, is cost-prohibitive, given all the components that would need to be developed. A few years from now, or post Haskell-on-JVM, I might be singing a different tune.

I do greatly admire the work you and your company have done for Haskell.

What has the Industrial Haskell group done so far? I haven't seen any announcements. The work I'd be most interested in helping co- sponsor is Haskell on JVM (biggest bang for the buck).


John A. De Goes
N-Brain, Inc.
The Evolution of Collaboration    |    877-376-2724 x 101

On Oct 8, 2009, at 11:24 AM, Don Stewart wrote:

        * Haskell interfaces to Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Google, etc.

This one is fine:

     hs-twitter library: Haskell binding to the Twitter API
delicious library: Accessing the APIs from Haskell (v2)
ffeed library and programs: Haskell binding to the FriendFeed API
     feed2lj program: Cross-post any RSS/Atom feed to LiveJournal
     flickr library and programs: Haskell binding to the Flickr API
hS3 library and program: Interface to Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3)
mediawiki library and programs: Interfacing with the MediaWiki API
google pubsub
pubsub library and programs: A library for Google/SixApart pubsub hub interaction

Speaking of REST,

RESTng library: A framework for writing RESTful applications.

And auth:

windowslive library and program: Implements Windows Live Web Authentication and Delegated Authentication
 openid library: An implementation of the OpenID-2.0 spec.
hoauth library and program: A Haskell implementation of OAuth 1.0a protocol.

We've obviously not all there yet, but we have a way to get there --
write and improve code on Hackage. Galois is doing its part (we've
released dozens of web packages), but the other commercial users need to
help out too.

Join the Industrial Haskell Group and fund open source work. Or, if you
can, release some of the non-IP-encumbered things you work on!

-- Don

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