On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 16:35, Gregory Collins wrote:

> Sean Leather <leat...@cs.uu.nl> writes:
> > We have run into an issue that it seems other people have already
> > found but has apparently not been resolved, yet. It manifests as with
> > the error "HTTP request failed with: Unsupported socket". The problem
> > is described in two places with different workarounds.
> >
> >   http://code.google.com/p/happstack/issues/detail?id=88
> >   http://groups.google.com/group/HAppS/msg/0c9a0d0fd7c6aff0
> >
> > One workaround is to rewrite part of the network package, and the
> > other is to downgrade the package. It could be the case that the
> > rewrite came from the older version, though I'm not sure.
> >
> > I'm curious if it is possible to fix this, either in Happstack or the
> > network package, once and for all. The workarounds are rather painful
> > when so many things depend on the network package.
> The following patch to happstack works for me:

This worked for us as well. Thanks, Gregory.

Do you know if it's possible to permanently patch happstack-server? I'm
guessing the TH in the patch is used to support multiple versions of the
network package. Can we just change the minimum supported version?

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