Don Stewart wrote:
Hello Andrew,

Thursday, October 15, 2009, 12:54:37 AM, you wrote:

Does anybody actually "get paid" to develop GHC? Or is this all people
SPJ, SM and Ian are paid by MS Research. Other people involved in core
development are mainly scientists (afaik)

Perhaps these are the "three people" the speaker was referring to then.

Seems like there are plenty of other people involved though...

Besides MSR and the university groups, the IHG funds Well-Typed to do
development, as well.

...not least of all these. ;-) But still, it seems the total GHC manpower effort is significantly smaller than I imagined. (Which just makes it more impressive that GHC is so good...)

Ah, MSR, the only known Haskell-related enterprise based in the UK. Sometimes I have these delusions that I should go ever there and see if they'll hire me...

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