zaxis <> writes:

> winSSQ count noRed noBlue = do 
>     let yesRed =  [1..33] \\ noRed
>     let yesBlue = [1..16] \\ noBlue
>     bracket (openFile "ssqNum.txt" WriteMode) (hClose) (\hd1 -> pickSSQ
> count yesRed yesBlue hd1)

> It works very well. However, as i am used to C style so i want convert it
> into

> winSSQ count noRed noBlue = do {
>     let yesRed =  [1..33] \\ noRed;

                            ^^^     ^ 
Didn't you just comment out your semicolons?

>     let yesBlue = [1..16] \\ noBlue;
>     bracket (openFile "ssqNum.txt" WriteMode) (hClose) (\hd1 -> pickSSQ
> count yesRed yesBlue hd1);
> } 

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
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