On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Stefan Monnier
<monn...@iro.umontreal.ca> wrote:
>> In any case, I need it fixed before I can work on haskell-mode.
>> Preferably by migrating haskell-mode over to cvs. :-)
> You mean migrating to DaRCS?  That would be appreciated, yes.
Um, yes.

I can get the revision history into darcs pretty easily, such as it
is, assuming cvs.haskell.org comes back up. Then I'll put the
repository somewhere you can get at it. That fine?

>> who *is* the current maintainer?
> Last I heard, it was me.  But if someone wants to take over,
> he's welcome.
You're saying you don't have time to maintain it?

I'd like to say I could take over, but really, I'm not familiar enough
with either elisp or haskell-mode to do that, and I don't currently
have the time to familiarize myself with it either, so I know how that

Still, there needs to be a new release, and I've got a lot of improved
haskell-mode code (written by other people) that isn't currently in
the repository. I can handle that much, if nobody else steps up.

Svein Ove Aas
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