On 25 Oct 2009, at 03:42, Curt Sampson wrote:

There's the key difference between us, I suppose. You believe that
knowing the syntax and libraries of a language is the hardest part of a
programming project. I believe it's a nearly trivial part.

I certainly didn't say that. Do you always misrepresent someone else's argument to help make a point? Perhaps if you took a minute to take in what I wrote before you wouldn't need to go with the straw man argument.

It's easy. You stick to your own points instead of recasting other people's, try not to point out the obvious (it's got a compiler, ffs!) and give me an example that isn't from a time when Oasis actually made good records (I'll give you a clue, they only made one, and it was their first). One that involves Haskell would be good, handling Twitter-esque traffic would be even better. Since of course, the next Twitter could never be done in ROR even though the current one was.

Think of it as dealing with facts instead of looking down your nose at all those mentally challenged PHP developers - the C++ and Perl guys have all that sneering covered for you, why bother? Perl6 is going to be better than everything anyway.

On 25 Oct 2009, at 00:48, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

Twitter's also a steaming mess *now*. Would it be as bad if you could prove its correctness?

But they're using a compiler now ;) Joking aside, it seems to work better and more often for me than Facebook, and they're using Haskell as part of their development. They say it's because Haskell has "good parsing libraries", so maybe library choice does attract business.



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