
I was thinking about some of my code today, and I realised that where I have an arrow in my code, A b c, the type (A b) is also a functor. The definition is (see http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/libraries/base/Control-Arrow.html):

fmap = (^<<)
-- Or, in long form:
fmap f x = arr f <<< x

Out of curiosity, and since this is a typical haskell-cafe question, does this definition of fmap hold for all arrows?

And is there a wiki page somewhere that has a table of all of these Haskell type-classes (Functor, Monad, Category, Arrow, Applicative and so on), and says that if you are an instance of class A you must have some corresponding instance of B? (e.g. all Monads are Functors and Applicatives) I'm fairly certain my arrow isn't a Monad or Applicative, although of course it must be a Category, given the type-class dependency, but it would be nice when using one of these things to see what other instances you should automatically supply.


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