2009/11/9 Gracjan Polak <gracjanpo...@gmail.com>:
> Hello fellow haskellers,
> While reading reddit in the morning today:
> http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/a26fe/dont/
> I was shocked and surprised to see that Haskell lacks a very important
> feature present in Perl. It appeared that Haskell cannot not do
> monadic actions!
> I decided to act as fast as possible.
> Luckily, monads enable us to create control flow constructs on
> enterprise level. I'm proud to present the Acme.Dont module, that
> implements the indispensable don't monadic action.
> http://hackage.haskell.org/package/acme-dont-1.0
> With special apologies to Luke Palmer that it took the Haskell
> community 7.5 years to catch up with Perl.
> Thanks go to Damian Conway.
> Have fun!
> Gracjan
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Are you sure you want to license this as BSD?

Deniz Dogan
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