2009/11/26 Zsolt Ero <zsolt....@gmail.com>:
> My very basic question is that how do I generally repeat a command
> many times? I understand "do" can do it, but it's not clear to me how
> to use it and how it works.
> So if I would like to write the following in one line, how could I write it?:
> spiral 0.7
> spiral 0.8
> spiral 0.9
> spiral 1.0
> I don't understand in which cases I can use "map something
> [0.7,0.8..1]" and in which cases I need do and how could I map using
> do.

  Say we have something to draw a spiral:

    spiral                  ::  (Floating f) => f -> IO ()

  So `spiral` takes a floating point number and gives us a
  program in the IO monad that returns `()`.

  We wish to draw several spirals. Here's one way:

    draw_them_all            =  do
      spiral 0.7
      spiral 0.8
      spiral 0.9
      spiral 1.0

  Here's another way:

    another_way              =  do
      sequence_ several_spirals
      several_spirals       ::  [IO ()]
      several_spirals        =  map spiral [0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0]

  Or even:

    another_way'             =  sequence_ several_spirals
      several_spirals       ::  [IO ()]
      several_spirals        =  map spiral [0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0]

  The `do` is helpful to compose several monadic values (in this
  case, programs in the IO monad). If you have a list of monadic
  values you can use `sequence_` to join them together into one
  monadic value. So you use `map` to build your programs and
  then `sequence_` to join them together in order.

> From the tutorial, I could write this line, which works, but I
> don't really know what does mapM_ and preservingMatrix do.

  The function `mapM_` is simply the composition of `sequence_`
  and `map`.

    mapM_ f list             =  sequence_ (map f list)

  As for `preserveMatrix`, it is some OpenGL thing; probably
  what it does is ensure that any changes you make to one of the
  matrices that make up the rendering state are undone once you
  exit the enclosed computation.

Jason Dusek
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