On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 6:22 AM, Michael Lesniak <mlesn...@uni-kassel.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> In terms of
>  "to become a great programmer, you need to read great programs"[1]
> what are "great" programs written in Haskell (for your personal
> definition of great), which source code is freely available on hackage
> or somewhere else on the net?
> I'm personally also interested in your definitions of great; for me, a
> great programs is defined by one of
> * good and well-written documentation
>  (literate Haskell helps a lot)
> * novel ideas to use functional programming
> * elegance
> * showing how functional programming can ease tasks that
>  are difficult to achieve in an imperative style
> Maybe we should create a Page on haskell.org (which I would do if I
> had write-access) mirroring the pages [2,3]?
> Kind regards,
> Michael
> [1] http://c2.com/cgi/wiki/Wiki?ReadGreatPrograms
> [2] http://c2.com/cgi/wiki/Wiki?GreatProgramsToRead
> [3] http://c2.com/cgi/wiki/Wiki?ProgramsToRead

The functional pearls are pretty much specifically designed to do all
the things you mention.  See
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