Am Dienstag 08 Dezember 2009 08:44:52 schrieb Ketil Malde:
> "Richard O'Keefe" <> writes:
> > factors n = [m | m <- [1..n], mod n m == 0]
>   -- saves about 10% time, seems to give the same result:
>   factors n = [m | m <- [1..n `div` 2], mod n m == 0]++[n]

Even faster (for large enough n):

factors n = 
    mergeAll [if q == d then [d] else [d, q] | d <- [1 .. isqrt n]
                                             , let (q,r) = n `divMod` d, r == 0]

> (But checking against primes is even faster, it seems)

That's peanuts, the important part is to partition smaller numbers (i.e. 
vs. sigma(n)).

Still faster would be using the fact that if n is Zumkeller and gcd n m = 1, 
then n*m is 
Zumkeller, too.

> -k

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