Robert Greayer wrote:
It helps, I believe, if you stop thinking of MinGW with MSYS as 'a pseudo-Unix system'. They're billed as the minimal toolset required on windows to use the GNU compilers and build system (and, as everybody knows, Gnu's not Unix). The great thing about these compilers is that they're cross-platform and freely available, unlike MS Visual Studio. I think that it makes sense that open source software developers targeting multiple platforms would want to pick a tool suite that works across all those platforms, and the GNU tools fit that description. Cygwin truly is a Unix emulation, but MinGW/MSYS is just a packaging of useful open source (GNU) tools for Windows (including a shell). Many programs that work well as native Windows apps, such as the GIMP, are built with them.

I see. So you're saying that while Cygwin is a Unix emulator, MinGW is just a set of Unix-style tools which run natively on Windows?

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