Graham Klyne wrote:
Mark Lentczner wrote:
[*] The Apple guidelines for the /Library and ~/Library files are here:

Thanks for the link. I followed through to a couple of other links that broadly support your position:



But, on reading [1], I also see "Although an application can use this directory [/Library] to store internal data or temporary files, it is not intended for storage of the application bundle itself or for user data files. Application bundles belong in an appropriate /Applications directory, while user data belongs in the user’s home directory."

This makes me question whether /Application might be the appropriate place?

/Applications is typically for GUI applications as opposed to
commandline programs. Though again, there are a few examples of
toolchains which cross that boundary and use /Applications (e.g., TeX
Live). Commandline apps which are deemed sufficiently GUI tend to go in
/Applications/Utilities which is another option (not that Haskell really
belongs there).

Live well,

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