Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fischer <at> web.de> writes:

> The below code is now a well-behaved memory citizen (3MB for the 100 
millionth prime, about the same as the PQ code). It still is considerably 
slower than the PQ code.
> In terms of MUT times as reported by +RTS -sstderr - as well as (MUT+GC) 
times - (measured once for prime No. 5*10^5, 10^6, 2*10^6, 4*10^6, 10^7 to get 
a rough tendency), it seems to scale a wee bit better than any of the other 
tfold versions I created, but a little worse than the PQ versions.
> The relation of MUT times isn't too bad, but the GC times are rather abysmal 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> data People a = P { vips :: [a], dorks :: [a] }
> celebrate :: a -> People a -> People a
> celebrate x p = P (x:vips p) (dorks p)
> primes :: forall a. Integral a => () -> [a]
> primes () = 2:3:5:7:11:13:primes'
>    where
>     primes'   = roll 17 wheel13 `minus` compos primes'''
      primes''  = 17:19:23:29:31:rollFrom 37 `minus` compos primes''
>     primes''' = 17:19:23:29:31:37:rollFrom 41 `minus` compos primes''
>     pmults :: a -> People a
>     pmults p = case map (*p) (rollFrom p) of
>                 (x:xs) -> P [x] xs
>     multip :: [a] -> [People a]
>     multip ps = map pmults ps
>     compos :: [a] -> [a]
      compos = vips . smartfold mergeSP . multip
> smartfold f = tfold f . pairwise f
> tfold f (a:b:c:xs) = (a `f` (b `f` c)) `f` smartfold f xs
> pairwise f (x:y:ys)  = f x y : pairwise f ys
> mergeSP :: Integral a => People a -> People a -> People a
> mergeSP p1@(P a _) p2 = P (a ++ vips mrgd) (dorks mrgd)
>       where
>         mrgd = spMerge (dorks p1) (vips p2) (dorks p2)
>         spMerge l1 [] l3 = P [] (merge l1 l3)
>         spMerge ~l1@(x:xs) l2@(y:ys) l3 = case compare x y of
>                 LT -> celebrate x (spMerge xs l2 l3)
>                 EQ -> celebrate x (spMerge xs ys l3)
>                 GT -> celebrate y (spMerge l1 ys l3)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Hi Daniel,

Is it so that you went back to my fold structure? Was it better for really big 
numbers of primes? 

I had the following for ages (well, at least two weeks) but I thought it was 
slower and took more memory (that was _before_ the 'no-share' and 'feeder' 
stuff). I can see the only difference in that you've re-written spMerge in a 
tail-recursive style with explicitly deconstructed parts; mine was relying on 
the compiler (8-L) to de-couple the two pipes and recognize that the second 
just passes along the final result, unchanged.

The two versions seem to me to be _exactly_ operationally equivalent. All this 
searching for the code better understood by the compiler is _*very*_ 
frustrating, as it doesn't reflect on the semantics of the code, or even the 
operational semantics of the code.  :-[

Weren't the P's supposed to disappear completely in the compiled code? Aren't 
types just a _behavioral_ definitions??? Aren't we supposed to be able to 
substitute equals for equals dammit??

Is this the state of our _best_ Haskell compiler????

 module Primes8 where

 import Data.Monoid

 data (Ord a) => SplitList a = P [a] [a]

 instance (Ord a) => Monoid (SplitList a) where 
    mempty = P [] []  
    -- {x | x::SplitList a} form a monoid under mappend
    mappend (P a b) ~(P c d) = let P bc b' = spMerge b c
                               in P (a ++ bc) (merge b' d)
      spMerge :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> SplitList a 
      spMerge u@(x:xs) w@(y:ys) = case compare x y of
               LT -> P (x:c) d  where (P c d) = spMerge xs w
               EQ -> P (x:c) d  where (P c d) = spMerge xs ys
               GT -> P (y:c) d  where (P c d) = spMerge u  ys
      spMerge u [] = P  []   u 
      spMerge [] w = P  []   w 
    mconcat ms = fold mappend (pairwise mappend ms)
      fold f (a: ~(b: ~(c:xs))) 
                          = (a `f` (b `f` c)) `f` fold f (pairwise f xs)
      pairwise f (x:y:ys) = f x y:pairwise f ys

 primes :: Integral a => () -> [a]
 primes () = 2:3:5:7:primes'
    primes'    = [11,13] ++ drop 2 (rollFrom 11) `minus` comps
    mults      = map (\p-> P [p*p] [p*n | n<- tail $ rollFrom p]) $ primes'
    P comps _  = mconcat mults

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