On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 6:58 AM, Sebastian Fischer
<s...@informatik.uni-kiel.de> wrote:
> when writing a Haskell library that uses two other Haskell libraries -- one
> licensed under BSD3 and one under LGPL -- what are allowed possibilities for
> licensing the written package? PublicDomain? BSD3? LGPL?

There was a long thread on licensing recently:


I'm still waiting to hear back from the SFLC regarding the questions
we came up with, and I'll post them as soon as I get them.  I think in
your case you can license the library you're writing any way you'd
like, but distributing a statically linked binary might leave you with
additional obligations under the LGPL.  (Things get wonderfully more
confusing when one of the libraries is the GPL, but hopefully we'll
have more insight regarding that soon.)  I'm not a lawyer, though, and
I suggest that you take any advice from non-lawyers as hints rather
than definitive answers.  If you want an answer from a lawyer, the
SFLC can be useful:

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