On 3 Feb 2010, at 07:38, 조광래 wrote:

hi i was trying to solve it but

All i got is
type Matrix=[[Double]]

multMM :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Matrix --multiplies two matrices
multMM m t = [[sum (zipWith (*) (head m)(a)) ] ]where a = [head a | a<- t]

Main> multMM [[2,1,-6],[1,-3,2]] [[1,0,-3],[0,4,20],[-2,1,1]]

from this i could get only the first multiplication 14 that is by 2*1 + 1*0 + -6*-2 = 14

how can i make this go throw all rows and colums to get multiple of matrixs?

Perhaps you might try the beginners mailing list:
because here, people will just assume one wants effective solutions. :-)

Anyway, the page I mentioned before has a matrix multiplication:
It uses the function transpose(), which is in the module Data.List.

I find looking into the modules of Hugs useful, on my computer they are in
but those for GHC are also available online:


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