
currently when one install a cabal package it compiles it and then install
generated binaries. I wonder whether or not it would be useful to have
pre-compiled binaries as many package managers usually do (e.g. apt). I
often think that would save some time on the expense of a busier hackage
server capable of generating packages for many different platforms.

I'm particularly thinking on the following scenario: suppose that you have
code that is ready for production. If cabal supported pre-compiled binaries,
there is no need to install ghc or eventually any other compiler, just
runtime environment and eventually cabal. I must say that I have no
experience in doing this in Haskell (just personal/small projects), so I
suppose one have to generate binaries and use other sort of package manager
to deploy code to production (which sounds reasonable as well). Thus, if the
assumption is correct, cabal is a development tool, not something one could
to only deploy runtime-only packages.

I also would appreciate if others could share how usually this is managed.

Best Regards,
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