
I'm looking at benchmarking several different concurrency libraries against each other. The benchmarks involve things like repeatedly sending values between two threads. I'm likely to use Criterion for the task.

However, one thing I've found is that the libraries have noticeably different behaviour in terms of the amount of garbage created. Criterion has an option to perform GC between each benchmark, but I think that the benchmark is only fair if it takes into account the GC time for each system; it doesn't seem right for two systems to be counted as equal if the times to get the results are the same, but then one has to spend twice as long as the other in GC afterwards. Here's some options I've considered:

* I could make a small change to Criterion to include the time for performing GC in each benchmark run, but I worry that running the GC so often is also misrepresentative (might 100 small GCs take a lot longer than one large GC of the same data?) -- it may also add a lot of overhead to quick benchmarks, but I can avoid that problem.

* Alternatively, I could run the GC once at the end of all the runs, then apportion the cost equally to each of the benchmark times (so if 100 benchmarks require 0.7s of GC, add 0.007s to each time) -- but if GC is triggered somewhere in the middle of the runs, that upsets the strategy a little.

* I guess a further alternative is to make each benchmark a whole program (and decently long), then just time the whole thing, rather than using Criterion.

Has anyone run into these issues before, and can anyone offer an opinion on what the best option is?


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