On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Tom Tobin <korp...@korpios.com> wrote:
> After politely pestering them again, I finally heard back from the
> Software Freedom Law Center regarding our GPL questions (quoted
> below).
> I exchanged several emails to clarify the particular issues; in short,
> the answers are "No", "No", "N/A", and "N/A".  The SFLC holds that a
> library that depends on a GPL'd library must in turn be GPL'd, even if
> the library is only distributed as source and not in binary form.
> They offered to draft some sort of explicit response if we'd find it
> useful.

Several people expressed interest in a more explicit and official
response from the SFLC, so I'm going to ask them if it would be
possible to receive one that the Haskell community could use to help
us resolve GPL licensing questions.  I'll follow up again once I
receive that.
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