Edward Kmett wrote:
Of course, you can argue that we already look at products and coproducts through fuzzy lenses that don't see the extra bottom, and that it is close enough to view () as Unit and Unit as Void, or go so far as to unify Unit and Void, even though one is always inhabited and the other should never be.

The alternative is to use _consistently_ "fuzzy lenses" and not consider bottom to be a value. I call this the "bottomless" interpretation. I prefer it, because it's easier to reason about.

In the bottomless interpretation, laws for Functor, Monad etc. work. Many widely-accepted instances of these classes fail these laws when bottom is considered a value. Even reflexivity of Eq fails.

Bear in mind bottom includes non-termination. For instance:

  x :: Integer
  x = x + 1

  data Nothing
  n :: Nothing
  n = seq x undefined

x is bottom, since calculation of it doesn't terminate, but one cannot write a program even in IO to determine that x is bottom. And if Nothing is inhabited with a value, does n have that value? Or does the calculation to find which value n is not terminate, so n never gets a value?

I avoid explicit "undefined" in my programs, and also hopefully non-termination. Then the bottomless interpretation becomes useful, for instance, to consider Nothing as an initial object of Hask particularly when using GADTs.

I also dislike "Void" for a type declared empty, since it reminds me of the C/C++/C#/Java return type "void". In those languages, a function of return type "void" may either terminate or not, exactly like Haskell's "()".

Ashley Yakeley
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