Am 01.04.10 20:53, Greg Fitzgerald wrote:
> After 5 years of R&D, I’m proud to announce the spec2code compiler.
> With spec2code, developers no longer need to acknowledge the mundane
> details of programming, such as memory allocation, bounds-checking,
> byte ordering, inheritance models or performance tuning.  spec2code
> uses the latest techniques in compiler optimization to derive a
> deterministic implementation from only a high-level specification.
> [...]
> Does it scale?  Absolutely, spec2code is not confined to
> specifications for which optimized algorithms are already known.
> spec2code can be used to implement operation systems, device drivers,
> build systems, package management tools, and even do your shirt
> laundry.  spec2code will change your job from programmer to
> specification author, giving you more time for meetings, managing
> email, and browsing the web.  Say goodbye to those dirty Perl scripts,
> broken C code, and ultimately, your job.  spec2code is the future of
> programming and the beginning of the end of mankind.
> Looking forward to obsoleting you soon,

Awesome! Given the great potential of the new  spec2code  compiler, the
reception seems to be somewhat chilly. But maybe that's because no one
likes to be obsoleted...

In fact, I do have to admit that I'm secretly working on a specification
of a program that halts exactly when  spec2code  produces a program that
does not halt. It's my only hope!

Heinrich Apfelmus


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