Richard O'Keefe wrote:
There's something in that package that I don't understand,
and I feel really stupid about this.

data RVarT m a

type RVar = RVarT Identity

class Distribution d t where
    rvar :: d t -> RVar t
    rvarT :: d t -> RVarT n t

Where does "n" come from?

Presumably from universal quantification in rvarT? That is, the implementation of rvarT should be polymorphic in n, in which case the particular n doesn't matter (as well it shouldn't, since if it did that'd interfere with the composability of the transformer).

Though, since RVar is a synonym for RVarT, I can't imagine why rvar is a method instead of a shorthand defined outside of the class. (If RVar were primitive then I could imagine performance reasons, but since it isn't...)

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