> As Louis has already mentioned this to me, I'll take the opportunity
> to sketch out a simple approach - 
> 1) GHC programs compiled without -threaded and run without +RTS -N are 
> already shown for x86 and x64
> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u32/compare.php?lang=ghc
> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u64/compare.php?lang=ghc
> 2) For quad-core, the GHC programs will all be compiled with -threaded and 
> all run with +RTS -N4 
> 3) That seems to match the approach taken with Erlang, where all the
> programs on quad-core run with smp built into the vm, and all the
> programs on one core run without smp built into the vm. 

Yep, that's fine.
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