>> So how does one get off haskell? Are there people in similar situations
>> that have managed? How did you do it?

I used to get annoyed about all the java boilerplate and awkwardness.
But then I learned that if I relax and stop thinking so much about the
aesthetics of what I'm writing, I can just let my fingers go on typing
without having to think too much.  Yes, it would have been shorter and
more graceful in more capable languages, but I would have had to think
more about how to factor things or apply the right abstractions.

Ultimately the problems to be solved are the same, it's just that java
and c++ give you a lot of padding where you're writing boilerplate and
workarounds for not having closures, monadic values, a nice type
system, etc.  It could be relaxing in the same way that playing 3rd
trombone could be: you still get to play technical music every once
and a while, but you also get a lot of downtime to count rests and
listen to the music, or play whole notes.  There is a pleasure in
that, even if it's not the same as when you're in the 1st violin
section.  Music is still being made, problems are still getting
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